
A box popped up saying "Aw Snap"

The "Aw Snap" error means that another user modified the same data while you were viewing it. In the event that you were trying to edit data, we recommend you leave that window open and either copy the contents to an external document, or open the same page in a new tab and copy it over.

I don't have permission to see a page

If you are trying to access a page you don't have permission to view, you will need to contact your Bluestep Administrator and have your permissions reviewed.

I got an error that says "There was a problem storing the Data"

If you are getting the error that says "There was a problem storing the data." you need to contact Client Care for assistance.

Times in Bluestep are showing an hour off

If you are looking at time field in Bluestep, and it isn't correct, you might want to check your timezone settings. To do this, use the "My Account" link at the top of your page to navigate to your record. From there select "Calendar Preferences" and verify your Timezone is set correctly.

My Digital Signature isn't working

If you are trying to sign something with your Digital Signature and it is coming back invalid, first, make sure that your web browser isn't trying to auto-fill your Bluestep Log In information. After you have checked that and are still having problems, you will have to contact Client Care to have it cleared out so you can create a new one.

How do I change my Username/Password?

If you are already logged into Bluestep, you can use the "My Account" link at the top of your page to navigate to your record. From there you can select "Online Profile" to change your Username or Password. If you don't currently have access to your account, you will need to contact your Bluestep Administrator to get this reset.

I need to add a new Community to Bluestep

If you are adding a new Community to your Organization, contact Client Care to schedule a time for an additional unit to be added to your Bluestep site.

I've Forgotten my Username/Password

In the event that you have forgotten your Username or Password, you will have to contact your Bluestep Administrator to get it reset. For security reasons, Client Care will not be able to reset this for you.

What is Manage, and how is it different from HQ

Manage is a new look and feel for Bluestep. It is intended to replace your existing HQ site. If you are interested in moving to Bluestep Manage, contact Client Care for more information.